The Oxford definition of a lame duck goes by "an ineffectual or unsuccessful person or thing". Our Lame Duck is no such thing. Although our Duck is pretty much an ineffectual thing, he is observing the world with wide open eyes.
He sees and "boo's" (condemns) the misfortunes of politicians, the excesses and abuses of profit-seeking and community-blind firms, and the government's short-comings in serving its citizens.
But in his infinite wisdom, he also keeps an eye on progress and change brought about by brave individuals and loudable non-profits. The Lame Duck applauds those endeavors with a big fat "thumbs up".

Friday, March 21, 2008

[Democracy in Action]: I got a crush on Obama

We've seen and heard it all. We kind of know the programs, although we doubt they ever will be implemented. Common', it's politics! It's not about action plans, it's about convincing and cogent ideas - they just need to sound good, but no one will really be held accountable for implementing them... or not. So why should we sincereley vote on themes rather than on personality?
I think many of us got a crush on Obama. He's young, brilliant, he's an activist who sticks to his values and goes beyong party lines. He's someone our generation can connect to, unlike Ms. Clinton. She's way to pretentious, way too much Washington. She's a good ole politics veteran. Obama has done community projects and has never emphasized raising a personal fortune. His public service and his dedication to America have proven way more valuable. Why then still wonder who our votes should go to!!

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